Monday, September 2, 2024

Poison Safety Tips for New Parents

 According to the CDC, a baby is considered a newborn until they reach the two-month milestone. At this stage, a new baby begins to wake up its motor system and learn to respond to external stimuli. In the latter part of this stage, a newborn will start to squeal and laugh. Since newborns are not as mobile as older infants, you may believe they are safe from accidental poisonings. However, it is essential to think about poison safety at every stage of life, even during these early months when your baby is just beginning to explore the world.


Prevention is a key part of poison safety. Before you bring your newborn home, take the time to assess your living space and ensure the areas your baby will inhabit are clear of items that could be harmful if touched or spilled on by your baby. This includes everyday items like creams, lotions, and medications, which may seem harmless but can pose a significant risk.

Medication bottles are particularly dangerous to have around your newborn. As your baby grows, they will begin to develop the ability to grip and hold onto objects. Medication bottles should never be used as a toy or rattle to distract a baby. Poison centers have received numerous calls about babies accidentally ingesting or choking on pills. Even if a medication bottle is labeled "tamper-proof," this does not guarantee that babies and children will not be able to open it. It's crucial to store all medications well out of reach and sight of young children.

If your newborn is sent home with a medication treatment plan, it is important that one person is designated to administer these medications. Consistency is key to ensuring the correct dosages are given at the right times. If the medication schedule changes or a new person is tasked with giving the baby the medication, this should be clearly communicated to everyone involved in the baby's care to avoid any confusion or mistakes.

It is also important to note that siblings should never be in charge of giving the baby medication. Additionally, siblings should not be left alone to care for a newborn baby. All children in the home should be within sight of an adult at all times to ensure the safety of the newborn.


Although we all hope to never face a poison emergency, it is crucial to be prepared for this scenario. Start by making sure you post the poison center number in a visible space in your home. Everyone in the household should know where to find this number. The Texas Poison Network offers magnets and stickers with the poison center number at no cost, which can be placed on your refrigerator or another easily accessible location. You can request these free items here.

In addition to having the number posted, be sure to program the poison emergency line into your cell phone. The 1-800-222-1222 number is free to call and is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Having this number readily available can make a significant difference in an emergency, providing you with immediate access to professional advice and assistance.

By taking these simple yet crucial steps in prevention and preparation, you can help ensure that your home is a safe environment for your newborn and be ready to act quickly in the event of an emergency.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Hidden Dangers of Hair and Nail Products

Do you enjoy getting your nails done? Do you enjoy the results of using a new shampoo? Have you asked yourself what chemicals these products consist of? Recent Studies show that at least one, and often multiple, beauty products consist of chemical ingredients which are categorized as toxic. The average hairdressing salon operates with products that contain certain chemicals that could potentially be harmful for both the hair stylist and their client. Those ingredients include Formaldehyde (CH₂O), a classified carcinogen, as well as sulfates, silicones, and parabens, which have been classified as hormone disruptors that can be found in products such as hair dye, shampoos, toners, or bleaches. These products can take effect when the product contacts the skin but can also lead to other health exposures when inhaled due to poor ventilation.

Nail products are another set of offenders. Most nail products and nail routines consist of the same toxic ingredients linked to similar health exposures. For example, the observed popularity of acrylic nail applications or applications involving soak-off gel gave rise to high TVOC - Methyl ethyl ketone, a volatile organic compound and Diethanolamine, or DEA, a classified potential carcinogen. The exposure to these chemicals can be caused by inhaled vapors, dust or mist, which can result in dizziness or eye sensitivity if exposed to the eyes.

So, what does this mean for our health? The good news is that the amount of these toxins absorbed after a single use hair dye or nail application is likely low. But the bad news is that many of us use these products regularly, and over time, the exposures begin to add up.

So, how can we protect ourselves from these exposures?

  • Read labels carefully: Look for certification like EWG verified (Environment Working Group) which means that products meet certain safety standards.
  • Use products in well-ventilated areas: When using hair and nail products, do so in a well-ventilated space to minimize the amount of vapor you inhale.
  •  Don't overdo it: Try to limit your use of toxic products, use them responsibly or find safer alternatives, if possible.

If any products are swallowed, inhaled or have contacted skin or eyes, contact the Texas Poison Center Network at 1-800-222-1222 for advice.

For poison questions or poison emergencies call 1-800-222-1222.

If you are having difficulty breathing or you see a person down, and not breathing, call 911.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Cannabis was Different Back Then


Have you ever heard a person muse about how marijuana is not the same? According to various research studies, they may be right. Cannabis plants, primarily categorized into Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Sativa subspecies, exhibit variations in potency and chemical composition. Cannabis Sativa, favored in street markets, typically contains higher levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component responsible for the plant's intoxicating effects. Studies conducted since the 1970s have demonstrated a global increase in cannabis potency, resulting in amplified THC concentrations. Consequently, users may experience heightened symptoms associated with THC, such as diminished inhibitions, heightened anxiety, and an elevated risk of psychotic episodes.

While cannabis possesses potential risks, it is also a complex plant boasting over 400 chemical compounds. These compounds undergo alterations during the drying and heating process, notably yielding d-9-THC and cannabidiol (CBD). Although these components are created from the same plant, they have startlingly different effects on the body. Whereas THC may increase anxiety and contribute to psychotic symptoms, CBD is renowned for its calming properties and ability to alleviate psychotic episodes. Moreover, other constituents of the Cannabis Sativa plant offer potential health benefits. Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), for instance, is believed to aid in appetite suppression and enhance glycemic control, highlighting the multifaceted nature of cannabis.

In essence, the interplay of various chemical components within cannabis highlights the complexity of its effects on the human body. As research continues to uncover the intricacies of marijuana's composition and its impact on health, it becomes increasingly important to approach its consumption with awareness and caution.

For poison questions or poison emergencies call 1-800-222-1222.

If you are having difficulty breathing or you see a person down, and not breathing, call 911.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Navigating Spring: Beware of Stinging Caterpillars

 As the warmth of spring envelops the air and draws us outdoors, we're not the only ones venturing into the sunshine. Along sidewalks and up oak trees, you may have noticed tiny balls of fuzz scurrying about. These are none other than caterpillars, eagerly seeking a spot to pupate. However, amidst their seemingly innocent appearance lies a potential hazard: the stinging caterpillars of Texas.

Identifying the Culprits

Texas is home to six types of stinging caterpillars: the buck moth caterpillar, spiny oak caterpillar, hickory tussock moth caterpillar, saddleback caterpillar, io moth caterpillar, and the notorious asp caterpillar. While these caterpillars may appear fuzzy and charming, their seemingly harmless exteriors belie a hidden danger. Covered in hair-like spines connected to poison glands, these creatures inject venom when their spines encounter skin.

Seasonal Encounter Patterns

Data from the Texas Poison Network indicates that encounters with stinging caterpillars are most prevalent from spring through late fall. The frequency of encounters tends to spike in early spring, peaking in July, and again in October and November. Found primarily in heavily wooded areas, these caterpillars favor trees such as oak, pecan, elm, and blackberry.

Managing Encounters

Despite their menacing reputation, encounters with stinging caterpillars seldom result in serious issues or fatalities. Approximately eighty-nine percent of symptoms reported to the Texas Poison Center

Network are related to dermal issues and can typically be managed at home. Symptoms may include swelling, redness, numbness, intense itching, and burning at the sting site.

First-Aid Measures

If you find yourself on the unfortunate end of a stinging caterpillar encounter, swift action can help alleviate discomfort. Begin by removing the stinger using tape applied to the sting site. Once the stinger is removed, wash the affected area with soap and water. Applying an ice pack can help reduce swelling, while taking an oral antihistamine can provide relief from itching.

As you enjoy outdoor activities this spring, remain vigilant and mindful of these stinging caterpillars. With caution and preparedness, you can enjoy the beauty of nature while avoiding potential encounters with these prickly adversaries.

For poison questions or poison emergencies call 1-800-222-1222.

If you are having difficulty breathing or you see a person down, and not breathing, call 911.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Reconsidering First-Aid Practices for Poisoning

For decades, inducing vomiting was the prevailing first-aid response to poisoning incidents. However, a pivotal shift occurred in 1997 when the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology (AACT) released a groundbreaking position statement. This statement challenged the longstanding practice of using syrup of ipecac (SOI) to induce emesis (vomiting) as the initial treatment for poisonings. The decision was based on extensive clinical studies that compared the efficacy of SOI with alternative treatments aimed at limiting the absorption of ingested poisons.  

Understanding the Risks of  Syrup of Ipecac

Derived from the plants Cephaelis acuminata and Caphaelis ipecacuanha, syrup of ipecac is ironically a poison itself. Despite its ability to provoke vomiting almost immediately upon ingestion, the primary concern with SOI lies in its potential interference with more effective poisoning treatments. Prolonged vomiting induced by SOI can delay the administration of critical medications necessary for treatment or for alleviating poisoning symptoms. 

Unintended Consequences and Risks

Moreover, certain products can exacerbate harm when vomiting is induced. For instance, substances that produce froth may inadvertently enter the lungs, leading to respiratory complications. Additionally, some products may cause chemical burns in the throat during the emetic process, further complicating the situation. 

When is Syrup of Ipecac Appropriate?

While there may be rare instances where SOI is deemed suitable for poison treatment, such decisions must be made under the careful guidance of a physician and in consultation with a toxicologist. It is imperative to exercise caution when and prioritize patient safety when considering use of SOI in poisoning cases. 

For poison questions or poison emergencies call 1-800-222-1222.

If you are having difficulty breathing or you see a person down, and not breathing, call 911.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Title: Unveiling the Hidden Threat: Understanding Radon Exposure

 What is Radon: 

Radon-222, a naturally occurring radioactive gas, silently poses a health risk as it seeps into homes. Invisible, odorless, and tasteless, radon's presence is tied to local geology, with granite, shale, and limestone harboring uranium that eventually transforms into radon gas. Despite its potential dangers, radon exposure largely went unnoticed until recent decades. 

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Historical Perspective: 

The dangerous effects of radon have been acknowledged since the Renaissance Period, with Paracelsus, the Father of Toxicology, studying silver miners exposed to radon. These studies, alongside later comprehensive investigations in the 1950s, solidified radon as a risk factor for lung cancer. Initially thought to be linked only to occupational risks, a pivotal moment occurred in 1984 when engineer Stanley Watras set off radiation monitors at a nuclear power plant, leading to the discovery of radon gas within his home. This event prompted a nationwide reassessment of radon's public health threat. 

Public Health Impact: 

In response to the growing recognition of radon exposure risks, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) initiated the National Radon Proficiency Program in 1988. This marked a significant step in studying and improving radon detection and mitigation in public buildings. Further strides were made with the 2015 "Radon Action Plan," emphasizing testing in homes and prompt mitigation. A key component of this plan is the distribution of literature, including the "Radon Risk Evaluation Chart," to provide citizens with a realistic understanding of radon risks. 

Diagram of radon gas heating system

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Testing for Radon: 

Testing for radon is a simple yet crucial task. Using at-home testing kits measured in "picocuries per liter of air" (pCi/L), individuals can determine their radon exposure levels. Short-term testing takes 2 to 90 days, while long-term testing extends beyond 90 days. Specific instructions accompany each testing kit, but general guidelines include keeping windows and doors closed during testing, refraining from running fans, and placing the test kit in the most frequented room without contamination from kitchens or bathrooms. If you are considering using professional testing services, you may refer to the EPA’s service provider search tool 

Interpreting Results and Mitigation: 

The average indoor radon level is approximately 1.3 pCi/L, with levels below 4 pCi/L considered safe. If levels exceed 4 pCi/L, a second long-term test is recommended. Mitigating radon issues is comparable in cost to other home repairs, often more affordable than major renovations. Common mitigation methods include installing vent pipe systems with fans, known as soil suction radon reduction systems, which draw radon particles from beneath homes and vent them outdoors. After mitigation, additional testing and regular maintenance every two years are advised. To find certified radon mitigation specialists in your state please contact your state radon program for help. 

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Understanding the risks associated with radon exposure is important for public health. From historical revelations to contemporary initiatives, the fight against radon has evolved, emphasizing the importance of testing, awareness, and mitigation measures. By adopting proactive measures and disseminating information, individuals and communities can work collectively to minimize the silent threat of radon and ensure safer living environments for all. 

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[Note: A notable portion of this blog piece was written using the lecture, "Introduction to Radon" presented by George Brozowski on January 18, 2024. ]